Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Top Productive Tips You Should Follow to Ace Your Exams | Top 10 Study Tips

High school, college and university are all wonderful experiences; you get to hang out with your friends, make unbreakable bonds and discover where it is you want to be in life. But sadly, it's not all fun and games - as the end of term approaches, so do those dreaded exams. Luckily, we’re here to help with some of the best study tips and techniques to help you ace your exam. So, let's jump right into it!

Top Productive Tips You Should Follow to Ace Your Exams | Top 10 Study Tips

Number 1. Make a study plan. Getting in the right mindset doesn't come naturally. So, to help you get into the study zone, create a plan of your study sessions, instead of trying to cram everything into a single session. Not only do these bite-sized sittings allow you to absorb and retain the information, but they also break up your material so that you don't feel overwhelmed with the amount that you have to learn.

Number 2. Stock up on power food While snacking on sugar might be the right idea, it will only give you a boost of energy for a short amount of time. After 30 minutes, you'll start to crash, and you won't be able to concentrate much. So, instead of reaching for the nearest chocolate bar, keep some 'brain food' in sight. This includes dried fruits, nuts and seeds.

Number 3. Eliminate distractions Got a text from your bestie? Can’t resist the group chat banter? While this innocent checking of your phone might seem like nothing, it’s really hindering your chances of getting a good study session in. So, to work smarter instead of harder, eliminate all distractions! To help you do so, download site blocking apps and put your phone on silent. Get rid of your consoles and switch off your TV to ensure that nothing other than your study materials are in sight.

Number 4. Have a designated study space Having a designated space to study is important. Your brain will acknowledge that when you enter that area, it’s time to study. So, choosing your study spot is a hard task – it needs to be somewhere that’s calming and free of distractions. For some this could be the school library or a local coffee shop, but others might find comfort from their bedroom. Whatever your choice is, just make sure that it's well-equipped with everything that you need.

Number 5: Use color codes and diagrams Different colors can improve your memory and help you focus. Green improves efficiency; orange lifts your mood, while blue boosts productivity. So, incorporating these colors into your study materials can do wonders. Alternatively, you could use diagrams to help your visual memory which can be recalled during an exam.

Number 6. Getcreative As well as using colours, there are plenty of other fun techniques to help you remember your facts. Are you into hip-hop music? Why not become a lyrical genius and create your own rap? Prefer a pop banger? A Bieber tempo could work. Whether it is rhymes or riddles, find a creative method that will help you remember those hard facts and will keep you singing all the way to your exam.

Number 7. Use gum to jog your memory I know this sounds ridiculous but using gum to help you read faster and jog your memory is a REAL thing. According to scientists, chewing increases your heart rate, which delivers oxygen to the brain and improves cognitive memory.

Number 8. Find a study group Turn your study session into a social event and engage in some group revision. Not only will you get to see your favorite classmates, but you'll also learn a lot from a study group. You can engage in revision activities like cue cards and testing to help you absorb the information.

Number nine. Take regular breaks Let's face - it even geniuses can't focus for hours on end. To help you stay productive, you need to allow yourself to break regularly. This doesn't mean that you should study for 15 minutes and then proceed to watch Stranger Things for three hours. Instead, the most effective technique is the Pomodoro Technique where you study for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. After you've repeated this four times, you should then take a 15-30 minute break.

Number 10. Get enough sleep who needs sleep when you have energy drinks, right?! WRONG! While staying up all night to get in some last-minute revision might seem like a good idea, it won't be effective. When you sleep, your brain takes in and stores any information, so when you're sleep-deprived you won't remember much of what you read the night before. Now that you're well equipped with the best ways to study, what's stopping you from acing your test? By adopting these great habits, you'll be well on your way to student success. But if you're looking for some tips and tricks, visit for more advice. Snd don't forget to like the video and click on the subscribe button to get more insightful tips!
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Friday, November 29, 2019

Top 5 Qualities of an Effective Teacher , Students Thinking about Teachers

How can we say that a teacher is effective or not ? It only can be determined by thinking of students. Yes there are two type of teachers , one is effective and other is normal. There are so many points that describe qualities of a teacher. These qualities can describe that this teacher is effective or not. If you also want to know that which teacher is effective then you need to read this article till the end because we have included top 5 qualities of an effective teachers.

This is totally depend on students that which teacher is effective because according to students if teacher is fulfilling their wishes with study then he is effective. If this article we are going to show thinking of students that what they think about an effective teacher. We asked to so many students to know qualities of an effective teacher and then finally decided to post this article to tell you top 5 qualities of an effective teacher.

Top 5 Qualities of an Effective Teacher , Students Thinking about Teachers

Only dedication of student is not enough to achieve his or her goal , there teacher also plays a great role in this. There is an effective teacher behind every success student. If a teacher will understand students and try to achieve their goal in right then it will be easy for students to find their target and achieve their goal. So you need to know top 5 qualities of an effective teacher.

Ability to Make Relationship with Students

An effective teacher will make good relationship with students for better education environment. If a teacher is successful to touch student's feeling then it will be easy for him or her to teach student in correct and positive way. He can create safe and productive learning atmosphere. Yes every teacher need to build a connective between student and himself or herself. It will create a way to teach effectively.

Dedication of Teaching

As we know that teacher is a guide for every student so every teacher needs to be dedicated to his work. If student will see teacher dedicated then he or her will also feel good interest in subject. Dedication always motivate every student so every teacher should be dedicated to subject and teaching. If teacher loves teaching then students will feel good connectivity with teacher.

Kind Personality, Caring and Patient

These three things make a teacher different from others. If a teacher is caring for his students then students can share any problem or doubt with teacher. Patience and Kind personality also make a good bond with students to teach and learn. Personality characteristics shows that how can a teacher understand students.

Know Knowledge of Learners

Every teacher needs to know that what their student wants. If teacher know that how much knowledge students have then he or her can teach them effectively. Every teacher needs to increase social awareness and emotional knowledge of students. It will help students to ask their problems to teacher and it will make them free from other activities and allow them to focus in study and learning.

Engage Students in Learning

Engagement of students in learning will decide their future in this field. If a teacher is successful to engage students in learning then he will be best teacher for student. Every teacher needs to motivate students if he or her see students lazy. Teacher also can increase emotional and behavioral attachment with students.

Conclusion : These are top 5 qualities of an effective teacher and what students think about a good teacher. I think now this topic is clear in your mind. If you are going to take admission in any school for your child then you can ask students these qualities of their teachers to choose best school for your child.
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Top Tips to Choose Best School for Your Child

Choosing the best school for your child will make your child’s future bright and brilliant. If you want to see your child a success man or women in future then first step is in your hands because choosing the best school for your child will guide him or her perfectly for his or her target. As we know that school is first place there a child can start to decide for his or her future freely. If you are possessive to think positive about his or her child then first of all you need to choose a correct school. It is necessary for every parents to choose best school for their child.

As you know that some parents able to find and choose best school for their child but some are not. Some have enough money to spend on their child’s education but some don’t have. So there are so many factors which plays a good role in choosing best school for your child. If you also want to choose best school for your child then you should need to read this article till the end because in this article we will guide you to focus some tips that can help you to choose a school that is valuable and right for your child.

As we know that some parents lives in a confusion that which schools is best for their child and his or her future. It is easy to choose best school for child but you need to know some basics of education field. You need to keep in mind these facts and tips so you can easily find good and suitable school for your child. You need to consider following tips that are included in this article.

Most Important Tips to Find Best School for Your Child

Now we are going to start most valuable tips for every parent to find and choose best school for their child in present and make bright future of child. If you really want to choose best school for your child then you should read this article till the end without any hesitation.

Choose a Good Environment System

This is the first step to focus in a school that particular school has a good environment. Always go to choose a school that situated in an area that is fully free of noise and out of city. If school is surrounded with greenery then it will be best. If school is situated in polluted area then it will be dangerous for your child. If you are agree with this term then go for that particular school for your child.

Know Specific Goal which is Suitable for Your Child

It is necessary for every parents to know a specific goal for their student because your child is unable to find their right goal in this age. Always go for a school that is suitable for specific goal and have a great education system for that goal.

What is The Choice of Your Child

Before choosing best school for your child , you need to know choices of your child. If you know that which thing attracting your child then you always need to go for it. If you will choose a goal that is not suitable for your child then it will damage your child’s brain. It is rule in education system that choice is first thing in every student’s success story. If you want to see your child in brilliant results then you need to allow him or her to choose choice able subject. It is your duty to ask your child that what he or she want.

Important Things which are Necessary in a School

Only study and study is also harmful for a student. Every student want space to show his or her skills in different fields. So it is your duty to check some important things in a school before admission of your child like play grounds , seminar hall , debate competition and so many other things. If these things available in school then it will be good for your child to make their mind fresh after a session of study. If any school don’t allow these things in their school then never to go to choose this school.

Environment of Classrooms and School

After these things you need to focus on environment of classrooms and school. There are so many parameters which allow you to find a result of environment of school like behavior of teachers , surround of students , building of school , education system of school etc. For it , you need to spend some time in school to check these all things. If you find that there all things are good then you can go to take admission in this school for your child.

Take an inspection during Class Hours

You can also take an inspection of education system of school during class time. You can check quality of teachers , sitting arrangement , discipline in students and teachers etc. If you find everything okay then you can go to choose this school for your child.

Conclusion : There are some tips to help you in choosing best school for your child. If you also want to send your child school then it is necessary to choose best school. Every parents want to send their child in good school so this article will help you to solve this problem. If you will follow these all tips and points then you can easily find a school that is suitable for your child. As you know that people suggest so many schools to take admission but it is your duty that which school is best for your child. So we have consulted with some genius in education field and then decided to post this article to help parents. If you really like this article then share it on social media to make a good engagement with all parents.

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